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Version: v4


This is a list of errors output from NextAuth.js.

All errors indicate an unexpected problem, you should not expect to see errors.

If you are seeing any of these errors in the console, something is wrong.


These errors are returned from the client. As the client is Universal JavaScript (or "Isomorphic JavaScript") it can be run on the client or server, so these errors can occur both in the terminal and in the browser console.


This error occurs when the SessionProvider Context has a problem fetching session data.


This can happen for multiple reasons. Make sure that you configured NextAuth.js correctly, and if you used NEXTAUTH_URL that it's correctly set.


These errors are displayed on the terminal.



This occurs when there was an error in the POST request to the OAuth provider and we were not able to retrieve the access token.

Please double check your provider settings.


This error is explicitly related to older OAuth v1.x providers, if you are using one of these, please double check all available settings.




This error is a result of either a problem with the provider response or the user canceling the action with the provider, unfortunately, we can't discern which with the information we have.

This error should also log the exception and available profileData to further aid debugging.


This error will occur when there was an issue parsing the JSON request body, for example.

There should also be further details logged when this occurs, such as the error is thrown, and the request body itself to aid in debugging.

Signin / Callback​


This error occurs during the redirection to the authorization URL of the OAuth provider. Possible causes:

  1. Cookie handling Either PKCE code verifier or the generation of the CSRF token hash in the internal state failed.

If set, check your cookies configuration, and make sure the browser is not blocking/restricting cookies.

  1. OAuth misconfiguration

Please check your OAuth provider and make sure your URLs and other options are correctly set.

If you are using an OAuth v1 provider, check your OAuth v1 provider settings, especially the OAuth token and OAuth token secret.

  1. openid-client version mismatch

If you are seeing expected 200 OK with body but no body was returned, it might have happened due to openid-client (which is a dependency we rely on) node version mismatch. For instance, openid-client requires >=14.2.0 for lts/fermium and has similar limits for the other versions. For the full list of the compatible node versions please see package.json.


This can occur during the handling of the callback if the code_verifier cookie was not found or an invalid state was returned from the OAuth provider.


This error can occur when a user tries to sign in via an email link; for example, if the email token could not be generated or the verification request failed.

Please double check your email settings.


This can occur during the email callback process. Specifically, if there was an error signing the user in via email, encoding the jwt, etc.

Please double check your Email settings.


The Email authentication provider can only be used if a database is configured.

This is required to store the verification token. Please see the email provider for more details.


The Credentials Provider can only be used if JSON Web Tokens are used for sessions.

JSON Web Tokens are used for Sessions by default if you have not specified a database. However, if you are using a database, then Database Sessions are enabled by default and you need to explicitly enable JWT Sessions to use the Credentials Provider.

If you are using a Credentials Provider, NextAuth.js will not persist users or sessions in a database - user accounts used with the Credentials Provider must be created and managed outside of NextAuth.js.

In most cases it does not make sense to specify a database in NextAuth.js options and support a Credentials Provider.


This error occurs when there was no authorize() handler defined on the credential authentication provider.


The provider you tried to use failed when setting PKCE or Proof Key for Code Exchange. The code_verifier is saved in a cookie called (by default) __Secure-next-auth.pkce.code_verifier which expires after 15 minutes. Check if cookies.pkceCodeVerifier is configured correctly.

The default code_challenge_method is "S256". This is currently not configurable to "plain", as per RFC7636:

If the client is capable of using "S256", it MUST use "S256", as S256" is Mandatory To Implement (MTI) on the server.


The callbackUrl provided was either invalid or not defined. See specifying a callbackUrl for more information.

Session Handling​


JWTKeySupport: the key does not support HS512 verify algorithm

The algorithm used for generating your key isn't listed as supported. You can generate a HS512 key using

  jose newkey -s 512 -t oct -a HS512




This error occurs when there was an issue deleting the session from the database, for example.



This error happens when [...nextauth].js file is not found inside pages/api/auth.

Make sure the file is there and the filename is written correctly.


In production, we expect you to define a secret property in your configuration. In development, this is shown as a warning for convenience. Read more


You have a custom error page defined that was rendered due to an error, but the page also required authentication. To avoid an infinite redirect loop, NextAuth.js bailed out and rendered its default error page instead.

If you are using a Middleware, make sure you include the same pages configuration in your middleware.ts and [...nextauth].ts files. Or use the matcher option to only require authentication for certain sites (and exclude your custom error page).

If you do not use a Middleware, make sure you don't try redirecting the user to the sign-in page when hitting your custom error page.

Useful links: